If camera lenses are circular, why are pictures rectangular?

The lens does project a circular image but the construction of the camera limits absorption of light only on the film or digital sensor which are both rectangle in shape hence a rectangular picture.

Now you know!


How to use a generic flash.

WARNING! No TTL functions here.

You can use most generic flashes on any dSLR. They have the advantage of being ridiculously cheap. Aside from that, you gain total control over the amount of light thrown.

Generic flashes have only one electrical contact on its mount. Check that the voltage requirements of your camera is not lower than that of the flash before buying.

  1. Set the flash to Auto or Manual mode.
  2. Set the camera to Manual mode.
  3. Set camera to use maximum flash sync speed. If you don't know, use 1/125s to be safe.
  4. Set camera to lowest ISO then set the flash to that ISO too.
  5. On the flash, decide a range of distance (for flash Auto mode) or a specific distance (for Manual mode) you will be from your subject.
  6. On the flash still, see what aperture size is recommended at that distance.
  7. Set that f/number on the camera.
  8. Take a shot making sure your subject is at the distance you chose. Of course you can approximate.
  9. If the picture is too bright, make f/number larger. If picture is too dark, make f/number smaller.
In Auto mode, when all is set, you can take pictures without adjusting the flash or camera (aside from focus) all night long as long as you keep to the distance. In Manual mode, you may have to adjust the aperture now and then if you keep changing your distance. The best way to keep everything constant is to shoot always from the same distance. If you leave the distance zone, for easy fine tuning, if the picture is too bright, step back and if too dark, step forward.

Now you know!


Dropped camera?

Buy a new one.

Repairs are more expensive.

Now you know!


What does the Auto and Manual mean on a Film Camera Lens?

There was a time when lenses were fully manual. It's not only about focus. Aperture size and control also. To take a shot, you would set aperture to widest first, focus and compose, stop down to desired aperture size, then finally press the shutter release button.

So why set to widest first? You can't focus using a small hole! You just can't see through it.

People eventually got tired of constantly going to widest then stopping down. They made the preset lens which had two aperture rings. One for setting the aperture size and one for stopping down and opening wide quickly. It was a huge improvement from fully manual lenses but there had to be an even easier way.

That's when they devised a way to keep the lens aperture wide open all the time. It will only stop down when you press the shutter button. The lens went back to having just one aperture ring. Aperture size is set a fraction of a second before shutter curtain opens. These lenses were called Automatic lenses. There were some built with an Auto/Manual switch to make the lens compatible with older cameras that did not have the mechanism needed to keep the lens wide open all the time.

To go further, linkages were added to the camera and lens so that the camera was able to track what aperture you would set it even though the aperture is actually wide open. When you press the shutter release button, the lens will stop down correctly to what you set it to right before the curtain opens. Lenses aren't called Automatic by this time since all of them already are. This is now how all dSLR's work. Set your camera to 2 seconds and let if face you so you can see how it happens.

Now you know!


You have answered your own question.

Why you answer your own question? Why ask in the first place?

You already know!


How to remove sand in camera?

You can't.

Common sense dictates you shouldn't put your camera on the sand in the first place.

Static electricity makes sure sand will get into the innards of your camera if you place it anywhere near the sand. The best way to keep sand off the camera is to keep the camera hanging around your neck while you stand or set the camera on a tripod.

There's nothing more you can do. Throw away your camera then buy a new one. It's cheaper that way.

Now you know!


The Different Types of Photographers

Source: http://www.allincubestudio.com/2012/03/types-photographers/

  1. Art snobs: You can take a great picture with any camera; the content is all that matters.
  2. Gear heads: It’s all about the gear and the gear is never good enough. Art? What’s art?
  3. Bored with normal subjects: Takes pictures of soup cans and door knobs.
  4. Good enough: Speaks as if today’s cameras will never be improved. Cannot tolerate anyone who dreams of more.
  5. Wilderness athletes: If you did not hike 20 miles, camp in 20 below and climb 8,000 feet it’s not worth looking at.

  6. Spy: Never take a picture unless it’s totally dark. Never uses a tripod because they will be conspicuous.
  7. Confused: Spends $20,000 on camera gear and only uses it to post 1024 images on the web.
  8. Traveler: Has images from every continent and Iconic location. We all envy them.
  9. Collector: Has or aspires to have one of everything made by at least one camera company.

  10. Switcher: Changes from one brand to another at each major announcement.
  11. Bully: Comments are designed to make sure everyone knows how pitiful they are.
  12. Specialist: Wants a single purpose camera or a separate camera for each use.
  13. Swiss army knife: Wants one camera that will do every possible photography task and wants it to be best of class and low cost.

  14. Cheater: Wants MF quality in a 35mm format.
  15. Really good: Posts fantastic images .
  16. Fan boy: Nothing more needs to be said on this.
  17. Experts: People who know something about art or technology. Some are gracious, others not so much.

  18. Insecure: Never knows if their image is sharp or well processed or good art. One criticism negates 100 compliments.
  19. Critic: Basically hates people and loves to stick a knife in them.
  20. On topic cop: The name says it all.
  21. Perfectionist: Ansel Adams sort. One who knows what perfection is and is capable of actually approaching it.
  22. Perfectionist wannabe: Does not have the skills to even approach it and would not recognize it when found so he flails about.
  23. Natural: Picks up a camera and starts taking better images than others who have years of experience. Envy but no love.

  24. Loser: Just the opposite of the natural.
  25. Guilt complex: Spent a lot of time and money on gear only to discover that it did not make him a good photographer.
  26. Buyer's remorse: Wants to sell it while it still has resale value.

  27. The tipster: Show an image, any image and you will get a zillion tips on focus, sharpening, post processing and printing not to mention prep for web posting. Everyone is guilty at some point.
  28. Shaky: Wants IS in the camera, thinking of adding it to his eye glasses.
  29. Feather merchant: Thinks a plastic Rebel with a kit lens is too heavy.
  30. Speculator: Lists all the features, specs and the release date for the next model sometimes years in advance.

  31. Realist: Exists to negate the speculator.
  32. Impatient: Anyone with a three year old camera who is waiting for Canon to announce and make available the next model.
  33. Brain-stormer: Likes to suggest an off the wall feature. Some people are trained in this art by employers to get new product ideas.
  34. Pros: people who actually make a living selling photos.

  35. Serious amateur: Anyone with enough gear to get a CPS membership.
  36. Elusive softy: Rants about how soft his/her new lens or camera is but neither posts samples nor answers any questions.
  37. Primester: You ain’t learnin’ nothing ’bout photography unless you strictly stick to primes.
  38. L-addict: A widespread disease in this forum. I am waiting for a cure myself.

  39. Zeissologist: Uses “microcontrast” in every other sentence. Gets touchy when countered with “moustache”.
  40. Semi-professional: Either gets amateur results with professional gear, or professional results with amateur gear (see ‘natural’).
  41. Newbie crusher: Has started out with the wet plate process, has grounded his own first achromats from bottle shards of different color and comes down like a ton of bricks on anyone with less technical knowledge. Usually closes with “Go back to your point’n'shoot!”
  42. HCB apostle: There are no images worth looking at since Henri Cartier-Bresson. Anything more than a rangefinder with a 50mm betrays the real purpose of photography.

  43. Mr. Condescending: never ever misses an opportunity to tell people off, emphasize how silly they are and underline their own rationality. Thrives in rumour threads, saying that nobody here knows anything so stop talking.
  44. Grumpy old man: is tired of all sorts of hyperboles in general. Also, he is tired of corporate greed and crippling of products. Is tired of so, so many things.
  45. Mr. Too much Money: posts about his newly acquired 5D MkII and a host of f2.8 L lenses and wants tips about shooting his cat on the sofa. (Works for Nikon gear as well)
  46. Mr. “the best lens for Rome”: is about to take a trip and wants to know what lens to take.

Shared from http://www.allincubestudio.com/2012/03/types-photographers .


Which is better to get, PNS or dSLR?

A dSLR does not automatically make you get fabulous pictures consistently. They are complicated to use. If you are not familiar with the basic principles of photography, you may just get frustrated and consider your money wasted.

Point-and-shoot cameras on the other hand can give decent results if you just remember to shoot only when there is enough light around you. They are highly portable and very much cheaper.

Only get a dSLR if you already know how to use it or if you are dead-serious in learning photography.

Now you know!


Nikon vs. Canon

I've seen lots of questions about this lately so here's how I see it.

Canon is the number one camera manufacturer today. There is no doubt about it. It has done so using a worldwide multi-million dollar advertising campaign. They do make great dSLR's and their point-and-shoot cameras are some of the easiest to use.

Nikon is older than the leading brand. They also make great dSLR's that have a technical feel which attracts mostly professionals. Their point-and-shoot cameras aren't as good as their dSLR's however and tend to be cumbersome to use and easily fail.

As to lenses, they are more or less equal in quality and in choices. With respect to compatibility, both have their limitations especially when trying to mount an older lens model to a newer body. It is worth noting that Nikon has at least made it very clear that their entry-level models will only autofocus a couple of lens model lines.

Overall, when it comes to dSLR's and lenses they are the same. It is in the point-and-shoot cameras where Canon cameras prevail.

The world is not divided among these two brands. There is Sony and Pentax for those who yearn for more value for their money. To those who are dying to know which is really better, look up Hasselblad. It's the industry standard.

Now you know!
